Friday, 24 May 2019

Road Safety week

Wow, what a week this has been! We have all tried hard to walk to school, had lots of fun, with Crazy Hair, Funky feet, Silly hats and Twin and triplet day!

In Room 8 we have been writing about why it is important to walk to school...
We wrote:
We should walk to school because... it's fun! keeps us fit and can make new friends... it gives you get strong muscles!


  1. Great job Room 8. It was a fantastic week for us all.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Gosh you have been busy Room 8. Could I come and take a photo of your fabulous work and send it to BRAKE who run Road Safety Week? They would love to see what you have been doing. keep shining Room 8!


Wednesday 22nd April