Monday, 13 May 2019

Our Autumn scavenger hunt!

Today we had an Autumn scavenger hunt. With a partner, we ran around the field looking for red, yellow and green leaves, a twig, an acorn, bark, a blade of grass and a flower.
Look at how much fun we were having!

Here we are with all of our Autumn treasures that we found.


  1. Look at all your Autumn treasure room 8! What fun! Will you write a poem about your experiences?

  2. An Autumn scavenger hunt - what fun! Are you going to use what you collected to write poems or maybe do some autumn themed art?

  3. That looks like lots of fun. Miss White was telling me about it all today after school. Maybe you could do a mini inquiry on Autumn leaves and what makes the leaves fall from the trees.
    From Mrs Burge

  4. Great scavenging Rm 8.....its looks like lots of fun being outside!

  5. It is so much fun to study the Autumn season!

  6. Well done room 8. You are amazing


Wednesday 22nd April