Monday, 1 April 2019

Our trip to Te Tahawai Marae

Room 8 and Room 10 had a fantastic time at Te Tahawai Marae. We learnt all about the tukutuku patterns that are displayed around the room inside the marae. We found out that they tell a story just like books do in the library. 

The name Te Tahawai comes from the meaning - edge of the water. That is why the school is named Edgewater College.

We had a great time drawing our own koru and kowhaiwhai patterns.


  1. So glad that Room 10 had a fantastic time at Te Tahawai Marae. Isn't it amazing how the rafter patterns tell a story just like books do in the library. I didn't know that the name Te Tahawai comes from the meaning - edge of the water and that is why the school is named Edgewater College. New learning for Mrs Venville. Thank you for sharing. Keep shining Room 8!

  2. It sounds like you all learned a lot. I wish I had been able to go! Maybe you could teach me all about the things you learned.
    From Mrs Burge

  3. I really enjoy visiting Te Tahawai Marae. It has been a long time since I last visited, however I can see that you had just as much fun as I did. I enjoyed hearing about the carvings and patterns of the tukutuku boards. I can see you made lovely Kowhaiwhai patterns.


Wednesday 22nd April