Monday, 6 May 2019

Room 7 - Our Buddy class

Today we went off to Room 7 to read our book to our buddy! So far this term we have drawn a portrait of each other and shared books. We are looking forward to more fun and creative activities to share with Room 7.


  1. Oh what fantastic role models Room 7 are! Buddy class activities are lots of fun! Room 9 are hoping to start buddy class next week too!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Kristin (Astin's mum)7 May 2019 at 20:28

    Such a fantastic opportunity for the younger kids to spend time with and learn from their older buddies. Their experiences are such fun and the encouragement/support is invaluable. Thanks Room 7, you are great role models! :)

  3. Great fun spending time with your buddies. I bet that you are looking forward to more fun and creative activities to share with Room 7.

  4. I love the way I can see the older students nurturing our young GEMS! Ka pai tamariki you are showing our value of showing kindness and respect!


Wednesday 22nd April