Saturday, 17 August 2019

Our Maths week champion!

Well done Astin  - Mrs Madden chose your maths art work as a winner!!
You did an outstanding job. I am so proud of you!

This weeks Superstars!

Congratulations to Samuel and Soha.
I am proud of the effort shown in your story writing this term Samuel.
Soha you always try your best and I am so impressed with your 100% effort everyday.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Maths Week 2019

This week we have had fun making our: Name Symmetrical Butterflies.

We had to make sure that the patterns on the wings were exactly the same - so that they are symmetrical!

We worked hard on these and are so happy with the way they came out.

Upside down butterflies!!

This weeks Superstar!

Congratulations Sasindu.... you are this weeks Superstar!
You are such an enthusiastic learner and always try hard.
Keep it up!

Friday, 2 August 2019

Music time

Last Thursday we played percussion instruments while Mrs Dowden played along on her keyboard. We are learning about different instruments, keeping the beat and playing together in time.

Wednesday 22nd April