Saturday, 23 November 2019

We shine brightly in Room 8!

We designed our own patterns in our light bulbs using dye, pompoms and glitter. They show how much we SHINE! We had fun writing about how we shine. 🌟

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Our Animal habitats

In Room 8 today we made animal habitats. We collected natural materials from outside and things we could find in our class to create a habitat for our animals.
It was so much fun and we are really proud of the way they turned out!

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

This weeks Super Stars

Well done Melissa and Rabab!
I am so proud of how hard you both try and the effort you put in to your work.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Our NZ Native animal mural

Can you spot all the Native animals on our mural?
We had so much fun painting the mural and drawing native birds and insects.

Wednesday 22nd April